I'm Samantha and I ...
Traveling Around the World
Fancy Cheeses
My Husband, Josh ;)
In order to have a community, you have to make connections and build relationships. Whew. That’s deep, right? But, it’s true! And because I want my business to be founded on genuine relationships, I am sharing my story with you. It’s not earth-shattering or mind-blowing. Just some random facts about me, my husband, and my […]
In order to have a community, you have to make connections and build relationships. Whew. That’s deep, right? But, it’s true! And because I want my business to be founded on genuine relationships, I am sharing my story with you. It’s not earth-shattering or mind-blowing. Just some random facts about me, my husband, and my […]
In order to have a community, you have to make connections and build relationships. Whew. That’s deep, right? But, it’s true! And because I want my business to be founded on genuine relationships, I am sharing my story with you. It’s not earth-shattering or mind-blowing. Just some random facts about me, my husband, and my […]
Hey friends! Happy Friday!! So, you probably know that I’m a photographer, and that I live in Florida, and that I love light, bright, and joyful images. But, I realized something lately. You probably don’t know much about me personally! So, each Friday I’m going to give you a few things that you may not […]
My Joanna Gaines senses were tingling! Our master bathroom shower was in need of some major upgrades! So, Josh and I decided to have our own small scale demo day and fix up the bathroom! Now, in all truthfulness, we are the Joanna Gaines side of the equation. We can decorate, but we have never tried […]