The sun warmed her skin as she listened to the waves at her North Shore Park Beach Session. The ocean breeze was so refreshing on such a warm day. She smiled. She felt his lips press softly against her cheek. Although she loves the ocean, this is where she prefers to be. In the arms of Derik.
“She smiled. She felt his lips press softly against her cheek.”
Ariona and Derik drove a long, long way. Like 20 whole hours. (I get tired just thinking about it!) But, it was so worth the drive. The two planned the trip to visit with Derik’s family. The beach was just a fabulous plus. And the photo session… Well, they just wanted photos. And, friends, that is reason enough!
“Every stage of a relationship is different. And they wanted a chance to capture this special season.”
Every stage of a relationship is different. And they wanted a chance to capture this special season. And, I think we did just that! Because Ariona and Derik could not stop smiling the whole time! I mean… these two are so adorable. Especially after such a long trip! Their laughs came so easily. Their kisses came so natural. And their hearts shined throughout the session.
Ariona and Derik,
You two glow around each other. And it’s an absolute joy to watch. Thank you so much for letting me capture your story and get to know you two better! Josh and I had such a good time! We just wish you lived here in Florida!!! Safe journey back to Missouri! <3 <3 <3