This wasn’t just any cotton field anniversary session. It just so happened to be OUR cotton field anniversary session!! During our move from Indiana to Florida, we spend quite a few days with my parents in Southern Tennessee. While there, Josh and I stumbled across a giant cotton field right down the road! I excitedly asked Josh if we could take pictures in the cotton field, and he, being a good husband, said yes!
But, in reality, this shoot almost didn’t happen! When we arrived at the cotton field, I got all of my equipment set up before i realized that I had forgotten my automatic trigger! Ya know, the thing that I could push to take the pictures! I have never used it for a session before, so it didn’t cross my radar when I was going through my usual checklist before we left. And with the prickly cotton field, a self timer was not an option! So, Josh saved the day! He drove back to my parents house to retrieve the trigger, so we could take our pictures!
Unfortunately, it wasn’t until he left that I realized…. I’m all alone. In some random person’s cotton field. In the middle of no where Tennessee. Without a cell phone. Or a car…. It was then that I decided that we had not thought this plan through. So, basically, my imagination ran wild for 10 minutes!
Happy to see him, I finished setting up my camera, and we started shooting! It was a lot of fun to try and pose ourselves! And I think the images turned out pretty well considering the light was fading fast and we couldn’t change the camera angle! Haha!
So, today, on our anniversary, we will continue our traditions that we have held over the past five years.
- We always travel on or around our anniversary. So, we spent the past two days in St. Augustine.
- We will have an Italian meal on the day of our anniversary to remind us of our honeymoon in Italy! {Extra Challenge: We have never eaten our anniversary dinner in the same state. So, our tradition continues this year since we now live in Florida!}
- We will watch our wedding video and/or our wedding trailer from the gracious and talented Abby and Morgan from The Story is Told! And since, I have now told you about it, I might as well include it in here!!! WARNING: It might make you bawl like a small child.
And, finally, I want to say thank you to the man that made this all happen.
5 years later, we are still best friends. We travel the world together, watch chick flicks together, interpretive dance together, and go on adventures together. And of all the things we do together, I’m glad that I get to do them with my best friend.
This year has been a whirlwind. Non-stop traveling, working 80-hours a week, health problems, moving across the country… But, thankfully, I can always count on you to be a constant in my life. I don’t have to worry if you will be there for me or support me. Even through crazy times, your devotion and loyalty is so prominent. I never waiver because I know you will be there loving me. Even when I don’t deserve it.
I’m amazed by how much I have learned from you in these past 5 years. I think you are most proud of my mastery of puns. {This is a big improvement from the eye-roll that I would give you at the beginning of our marriage!!} I have also learned to appreciate history, embrace adventure, and try new foods. However, the most important thing that I have gleaned from our marriage is how to be a leader and to love others. I am thankful that I am able to see the inside workings of how much you lead and love those around you.
Thank you for these past five years. Thank you for the memories. Thank you for loving me so intensely.
Happy Anniversary Josh!!