Senior girls stands on brick street and smiles at sunset.

I am so excited for you! Graduation! What an awesome accomplishment!! Senior Portraits are a fantastic way to capture your personality and style during your last year in high school! It can also be stressful since it may be the first time you are alone in front of a camera! Check out these 27 tips for amazing senior pictures! These tips will help you figure out which outfits to wear, what styles to choose, and what things to bring with you. I hope that these tips empower you to rock your senior portrait experience and feel more confident in front of the camera!

Get ready to take a ton of screenshots…



1. Feel Comfortable and Confident

If you don’t feel comfortable and in what you are wearing, you will be able to see that in your images! Once you pick an outfit, go ahead try it on a few times to make sure you are comfortable.


2. Dress It Up

You want to wear an enhanced version of your normal wardrobe, as long as it does not distract from you. Wear something nice and flattering. Long skirts/dresses and heels flatter the female figure while long pants and closed toe shoes flatter males.


3. Pick Soft/Neutral Colors

Soft and neutral colors are very flattering on camera. White, creams, blues, pinks, or any softer colors will make your skin tone look awesome!


4. Add A Pop of Color

Though your outfits shouldn’t be overly bright, that doesn’t mean your outfit has to be bland! Pick a few accessories that add some color into your wardrobe!


5. Mix It Up

Try to mix up the style and color of the clothing you bring for completely different looks.


6. Wear layers

To make changing outfits fast and easy, wear layers. An undershirt, jackets, leggings, etc. can all help to speed up the process when changing outfits.


7. Plan Your Outfits

Pick out your outfits a few days in advance, and try them on! Make sure that you cannot see any undergarments!


8. Think About Posing

Make sure they are still comfortable and appropriate in various positions: sitting, kneeing, hands-above-your-head.


9. Check White Clothing

If your outfits are lighter in color, make sure you cannot see through them!


10. Iron it

All outfits need to be clean and without wrinkles before your session.


11. What to Avoid

Try to avoid overwhelming patterns, large logos, baggy pieces, or horizontal stripes for your session.


12. Accessorize

Scarves, jackets, etc. are great accessories that can be easily added or removed to change an outfit.


13. Show Your Parents

Make sure the outfits you choose are approved by your parents. Remember, you want them to like your senior portraits too. P.S. Dont forget about shoes!


14. Outfit Changes

There are not always convenient places to change during an outdoor session. You might want to bring car shades, large blankets, etc. so you can make a changing room.


Ready for Part 2 & 3?

27 Tips For Great Senior Pictures | Part 2

27 Tips For Great Senior Pictures | Part 3


Need More Resources Like 27 Tips for Amazing Senior Pictures?

How to Have Stress Free Senior Pictures



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