You have your dress, you have your shoes, and now your ready to take your bridal portraits! Eek! Not only are bridal portraits one of the most fun things about being engaged, but you legit get to feel like a princess for the day! What’s not to love?! So, here are my Top 6 Bridal Portrait Tips to make sure you get the most out your portraits!

1. Schedule with Hair and Makeup Trial
My number one tip is to schedule your bridal portraits on the same day you have your hair and makeup trial! Why? Because it is the perfect time to see your whole bridal look from top to bottom! And, you’ll either be in bridal heaven, or you’ll know what to make small tweaks to! So many brides actually change their hair style or have their gown altered a little more once they see their complete bridal look!
2. Bring a Bouquet
Jumping off of the previous point, if you truly want to see your full look, don’t forget to get a bouquet for your portraits!

3. Wear Your Wedding Day Underwear
I don’t often talk about underwear… but, in this case, I’ve got to. Girl. Test out those undergarments. Bra, spanks, underwear, whatever. Wear it for the majority of the day. You’ll get a good idea of how easy it is to move in your gown and if anything has the tendency to “fall out” (if you know what I mean). That way, you’ll be able to solve any problems and walk into your wedding day stress free.
4. Bring Some Mess Free Snacks & Water
If you get hungry, you’ll be happy to have some safe choices on hand.

5. Have Flats to Walk Around In
You’ll most definitely want to wear your bridal shoes for the portraits. But, you don’t have to wear them when walking to and from portrait locations. 😉 So, pop a pair of comfy flats in your bag and bring them along!
6. Bring a Friend
Whether it’s your mom, best friend, or sister, bring a buddy to help you hold your bag, fluff your dress, drive the car, etc. It’s also just more fun to have someone swooning over your dress with you!
Looking for more Bridal Portrait Tips?
Check out The Engagement Series or my For Brides Blogs!