The Ultimate Wedding Day Emergency Kit | Ceremony Essentials

The Ultimate Wedding Day Emergency Kit


Weddings can be high stress situations or they can be easy, relaxed, and fun! And one of the biggest contributing factors to this is preparation.


I don’t know if you are like me, but it seems the more prepared I am, the less likely it is for something bad to happen. For real. If I spend time preparing, nothing bad happens. But, if I don’t, you can bet something weird will happen. (This is probably why I make a list for everything and over-prepare for everything. Crazy, right?)


So, in my effort to love on you fabulous brides-to-be, I have made a list! *surprise* Complete with everything you could bring on your wedding day and occasionally sassy descriptions. I hope you find this 4 part series helpful! And, if I am missing something, please let me know! I would love it add it!



1. Extra Wedding Timeline

If you lose yours, you will be glad you have a backup.

2. Note Card with Contact Info

Hand these out to all your vendors at the beginning of the wedding day. Include your planner’s number and anyone else you want them to get in contact with.

3. Vendor Name/Number List

If you need to contact any of your vendors, you do not have to search through your contacts. You will have a list of everyone’s name and number.




4. Sewing Needle

A bead fell off your wedding dress? Not a problem.

5. Thread that matches wedding party attire

Bring thread that is either a neutral color or the colors that match the wedding party attire.

6. Safety Pins

You never know why you will need safety pins.

7. Corsage Pins

Did you lose a pin under the couch? Have no fear, you brought extras.

8. Fake Wedding Ring

If the best man’s prank goes horribly wrong, you have a back-up plan.

9. Stain Remover

We all pray that no one will spill anyone on us, but it happens…

10. Fabric Tape

Fabric tape is a great way to fix hemlines or necklines in a pinch.

11. Black Socks

If your groomsmen are wearing a different color sock, bring those too.

12. Pantyhose

Anyone planning to wear pantyhose? If they are, bring an extra pair. They’re notorious for ripping at the most critical moments.

13. Lint Roller

Your groomsmen won’t remember to bring one.

14. Shoe Polish

They won’t remember this either.



Missed the previous posts?

The Ultimate Wedding Day Emergency Kit | The Basics

The Ultimate Wedding Day Emergency Kit | Hair and Skin


Ready for more?

The Ultimate Wedding Day Emergency Kit | The Extras


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